Four Civilians Killed On The Spot Due to SAC’s Aerial Bombardment in Kutkai
At 3:00 p.m. today, August 5th, 4 civilians were killed on the spot when a YAK-130 jetfighter dropped the bombs in Kutkai which is under the control of Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)
“I saw with my own eyes that four people died on the road in front of the market. I don’t exactly know who they are. There was one woman. They were just the passerby, who were preparing to run when the plane came. Half of the Kutkai market was also burnt to ash. Now, the plane has left,” said a woman from Kutkai.
Among the dead were 3 men and 1 woman, who suffered severe abdominal injuries and injuries from their legs which were cut off. The dead bodies were taken to the hospital by the Brahma Social Charity Association, a resident who knew about the incident told the Taang Women’s.
Half of the Kutkai market was on fire due to the bombing of a jet fighter (YAK-130) and the fire engine was unable to extinguish the flames, so half of the market was burnt to ashes.

In addition, a house next to the barbecue chicken shop on the road to Ta Moe Nye, a house in the morning market at the park, and the goods storehouse in front of Yadana Moe Petrol Shop in Ward (4) were also damaged.
The Ta’ang Women’s Organization will continue to investigate to get more detailed information on the damage and casualty.
Photo- Local