Aerial Bombardment of The Terror Military Council at Lashio Injures More Than 12 Civilians

Terror Military Council troops attacked the General Administration Office and Ward 1 Byuhar Road at around 10:30 AM on September 9 in Lashio, which is under the control of the MNDAA.

A local woman who had just returned to Lashio after fighting said, “I recently just got back to Lashio. Yesterday morning, they came back by plane and dropped bombs. I was very shocked. The bomb fell near the foot of Tharthana 2500 and the general administrative office. It injured many people. Some of those who fled the war and returned to Lashio fled again.”

Due to the bombing, more than 12 civilians, including some staff from the general administrative office, were injured, and many civilian houses were damaged.

On September 8, the Military Council also dropped bombs at the Silver Sky Hotel and township sports complex in Lashio.

“Many people don’t dare to come back. Only those remaining in town are living their regular lives. There is a market open with food stalls, but people are still afraid of aerial bombings,” a local said. 

The Terror Military Council has conducted three aerial bombardments in Lashio, which is now under the control of MNDAA.

After the Terror Military Council declared the Three Brotherhood Alliances as terrorist groups, the Terror Military Council has been conducting continuous aerial bombardments targeting civilian areas in the towns under the control of the Three Brotherhood Alliances.

Photo – From the Facebook page of Lashio Reconstruction

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