A Mangmaw Villager,Injured by a Heavy Weaponry Launched from Nawngkhio, Still Receiving Medical Treatment aNeeds Help

A local villager, injured in the explosion of heavy weaponry in Mangmaw village, Nawngkhio Township under controlled of Ta’ang National Liberation Army in Northern Shan State, is still receiving treatment and facing difficulties to clear the medical costs. 

The incident occurred on January 21 in Mangmaw village, Taungshay village tract, when a shell exploded between a house and a brick wall. A local man was severely injured by the shrapnel of the shell and received medical treatment at Lashio General Hospital.

The injured man said, “The shell dropped between house and the wall. The person inside the house was unharmed. The house was hit. It was the time, I was outside the house and I was injured by shrapnel. The wound was a laceration on my heel, a lung injury through my armpit, and two fingers on the left hand were hit and needed to be amputated. The right thumb was split open and the bones were broken. The stick at the thumb had to be removed and bandaged. Now, both of my hands are gone.”

The man who was injured by the heavy weapon is U Win Hlaing (46) and he stayed at Lashio with the help of a friend after discharged from the hospital. But, he has had to visit the hospital once a week.  

He told Ta’ang Women’s Organization, “I could not go back to my village. I am unable to work. The medical expense has been overwhelming. Now, I have no place to stay and I asked one of my friends to let me stay at his place. I for faced difficult the medical expenses and for my living.”  

Mangmaw village is located about 2 miles from Taungkham village, where clashes between Terror Military Council and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army has been broken out and the villagers nearby have been forced to leave their homes for safety, according to report from locals. 

Photo- Local resident

#Local #Artillery #Injured #Nawngkhio #Fighting  #Ta’ang Women’s Organization