Three Young Ta’ang People Arrested and Detained By Kokang Army While Going Home from Lashio

In the evening of July 8, three young residents of Tangyang Township who were returning home from Lashio were arrested by Kokang Army (MNDAA) for no reason.

Mai Aik Kam, Mai Aik Khun, and a friend, who were working at Pyae Sone Garden in Mae Han Village, Lashio, decided to return home due to fierce fighting broke out in Lashio, and they were arrested and detained at Mangkawng Village at the entrance of Nam Pawng Village.

The detained individuals are Mai Aik Kam from Kaungsan Village, Mai Aik Khun from Tonhe Village, and a villager from Hotoon village and they have not been in contact since their arrest, according to a villager from Naung Khio Village who returned with them.

“We are working in Lashio as cleaning workers at the flower garden at Mae Han village. When the fighting broke out, we decided to go back with motorbikes. We were arrested at the entrance of Nam Paung village, at a place where there is a teak tree at Mangkawng village. When they arrested us, they asked about our families. If you are the only male in the family, they would release you. They arrested not only the Palaung people but also the Chinese, not the Burmese. We heard they also arrested people in Khar Shee village. Now, we have lost contact with those who were arrested,” said the villager.

When these young people were arrested, their phones and motorbikes were seized, and they had not been able to contact anyone since, according to the person who was released.

In December 2023, during the 1027 Operation, Myanmar Nationalities Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) arrested and detained 169 Ta’ang youths who came back from Laukka to recruit them into their army.

The Ta’ang Civil Society Organization (TCSOs) sent a complaint on the incident addressing to MNDAA headquarters along with an open letter, but there has been no response. As no response, the incident was posted on social media, but those Ta’ang youths have not been released until now.

Photo: Local resident (Mai Aik Kam and Mai Aik Khun who are arrested)

#Ta’ang Women’s Organization

#Arrest #KokangArmy #Ta’angYouth #TangyangTa’angYouth #NorthernShanState #Fighting #MNDAA