Ten Civilians, Including Nuns, Killed in Aerial Bombardment by The Terror Military Council at Kyaukme
Ten locals including nuns were killed and more than 20 villagers were injured in aerial bombardment at around 6:00 pm. by the Terror Military Council at the nunnery school south of Htone Bo and Inngyin Taung Wards at Kyaukme that is under the control of Ta’ang National Liberation Army in northern Shan State.
A local woman said, “A loud sound was heard. We didn’t dare to go and look as it was already dark. Since the bomb dropped on the Nunnery School, some nuns were killed. We don’t have other information as everyone is too scared.”
The TNLA stated that 10 locals were killed and around 20 others were injured by aerial bombardment by Military Council at 6:30 pm today at Inngyin Taung Ward, Kyaukme, Northern Shan State.

The Terror Military Council attacked with 500 pound-bomb and the injured were being sent to the hospital and the bodies were still under a search, said the information released by TNLA.
The information release stated, due to the bombardment by the jet fighter of the Military Council, 10 locals were killed, 20 people were injred and 9 houses were damaged at Kyaukme, in the 2nd brigade area of the Ta’ang State.
The details of the number of death and injured were not yet available as the phone and internet connections were poor in Kyaukme. The Ta’ang Women’s Organization (TWO) is continuing to investigate and plans to release the details information of list soon.
News Photo – Local
#MilitaryCouncil #TerroristAct #Bombardment #Kyaukme #NorthernShanState #AerialAttack #500LbBomb #TaangArmy #Nu #Grandma #MassKilling