More Than 8 Houses Destroyed in Nawngkhio Due to Aerial Bombardment
More than eight civilian houses and the fire brigade office of Nawnkhio were destroyed by 500– pound bombs dropped by jet planes of the Terror Military Council at the Ward near the fire brigade station in Nawngkhio at 10:20 pm on June 30.
A person at the front line in Nawngkhio said, “They dropped 500 lb. bombs. I wasn’t in that area on that day but went to see it the next day. I was at another place. The houses the fire brigade office were totally destroyed, just as you see in the pictures. Some houses had their walls hit, and some roofs were open off.”
There were no casualties as people had already fled to safe areas when the Terror Military Council dropped the bombs, he told Ta’ang Women’s Organization.
However, on the evening of June 26, 23-year-old Ma Cherry Htein and 16-year-old Ma Htet Yee Win, who lived at Nawngkhio Myoma Ward, were shot dead. Similarly, on the evening June 25, 27-year-old Maung Kyaw Nanda Oo was injured in one leg by heavy weapon shrapnel.

Since June 25, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Mandalay People’s Defense Force MDY PDF have been fighting with the Terror Military Council troops in Nawngkhio. The main road beyong Ban Bway village in Nawngkhoi was destroyed by the Terror Military Council, he continued.
Photo- Person who is at the frontline at Nawngkhio
#Ta’ang Women’s Organization
#Nawngkhio #Fighting #AerialBombardment #CivilianHousesDamaged #NorthernShanState