Five Locals Injured by Heavy Weaponry Shell Explosion in Hsipaw Township Need Medical Assistance
Five local residents were injured in Hsipaw Township, Northern Shan State, when heavy weaponry shells exploded in San Phate Ward.
Two female and three male residents were injured when the heavy weaponry shells dropped into San Phate Ward, Hsipaw Township at around 6:00 pm on July 1.
A local resident who witnessed the incident said, “I don’t know where the weapon came from. About 3 shells dropped in the village. There were many soldiers so I don’t know exactly which soldiers or what kind of weapon. Five people were hit. The wounds of the two men were serious and sent to Lashio Hospital. The other 3 people were treated at Hsipaw Hospital. As those who were injured, were poor and they could get to hospital for treatment only with the charity organizations.”
Among the 5 people injured, 20-year-old Maung Myo Aung had serious wound at his waist and 38-year-old Maung Win Win San was seriously injured at his left thigh and they were sent to Lashio Hospital for treatment.
The other three were treated at Hsipaw Hospital. 29-year-old Ma Chit May Poe was injured at her culf and both feet. 23-year-old Ma Chit Poe Htwe was injured at her left culf, right thigh and neck. 27-year-old Maung Zaw Win Htet was injured on his back.

The fierce fighting were occurred in Kyaukme and Nawngkhio townsips between joint forces of Ta’ang National Liberation Front (TNLA), Mandalay PDF and DPLA and the Terror Military Council. Though there was no fighting in Hsipaw, but heavy weaponry shell dropped and blasted there.
Photo- Local
#Ta’ang Women’s Organization
#Local #Injured #Hsipaw #HeavyWeaponryShotFive Locals Injured by Heavy Weaponry Shell Explosion in Hsipaw Township Need Medical Assistance