A Resident of Namhsan Hit by a Landmine Near the Army Hill, Both Legs Amputated

Around 2:00 PM on April 22nd, a local resident stepped on a landmine, resulting in both legs being blown off.

He lives in the Namhsan Township’s regional administrative office area and works as a mason. While on his day off, he went to a tea plantation to shoot birds, he stepped on a landmine on the west side of military battalion and both of his legs were amputated.

The wife of Ko Kyaw Zin Hein, who stepped on the landmine, said that their family resides near the No. (2) Police Station in Lashio and moved to Namhsan Town about 6 months ago. They work as construction workers in the Namhsan Construction Office.

His wife said, “We live and work in the Namhsan Construction Office. Yesterday was their day off, and they went to visit a friend’s house. They said they were going to the forest to hunt birds, and the friends they went with were fine. My husband stepped on a landmine, so his leg was blown off. After being taken to the hospital, one of his legs had to be amputated.”

20-year-old Ko Kyaw Zin Hein who stepped on landmine, lost both legs, while 21-year-old Maung Tun Win Naing suffered injuries to his abdomen and face from landmine fragments.

During January and February, three children from Zayangyi Village in Namhsan Township were killed in a tea plantation by explosions that occurred while they were playing with weapons remnants. Additionally, a person from Phayargyi Town was injured by stepping on a landmine while searching for military weapon remnants in the tea plantation.

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#Stepping on landmines  #Local Resident #Amputated # Namhsan