Thirteen Civilians Killed, Eighteen Injured and 21 Houses Destroyed in Mogok Fighting

Fighting started between the joint troops of Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Terror Military Council on June 25 in western part of Mogok.

Since the fighting started from June 25 until now (on July 4) 13 civilians including a monk were killed, 18 were injured and 21 civilian houses were damaged because of the artillery shelling and aerial bombardment by the Terror Military Council, according to data collected from local residents. 

According to the death list, on June 25, two local residents were killed and on June 26, two brothers from Kathae Ward, Thahtaygone. 

On June 27, a woman from Kathae Ward, an elderly woman from Luuhta Ward and a novice from East Garden Monastery were killed. 

On June 28, a woman from Aung Thukha Ward was killed and on June 29 a young man from Min Tadar Ward was killed as well as 90 years old U Phe Tin passed away with a shock as an artillery shell exploded beside his house. Similarly on June 30, three people from Yan Gyi Aung Ward were killed by artillery shells.

According to the injury list, on June 27, an elderly woman from Aung Chan Thar East Ward and two other people were slightly injured and five noices from East Garden Monastery were injured. 

In addition, four family members from Kyaung Saung Taung Chae, on June 26, a man from Thahtaygone, on June 30, 3 family members near western upper Pannma village were injured by heavy artillery explosions.

In the moring of June 30 when a woman and a man from eastern Mogok were injured by gun shots at Zayat Gwing while they were fleeing to Mandaly. So, total of 17 people were injured. 

The incidents of damaging houses during fighting includes 2 houses at Kyatpyin Ywama, 1 house at Aung Thukha, 1 house on Kyatpyin hill, 1 house near clock tower at Kyatpyin, 2 houses at Kathae, 1 house damaged and 1 house burnt at Kyatpyin Myoma, 1 house near Kyatpyin Thein Than. According to added list, 3 houses near Mate Sone teashop, 1 house at Aung Chan Thar Ward in Eastern Mogok, Gardent Monastery at Shan Taw, 1 wooden house at Kyatpyin, 2 houses at Kolan Village, totally 18 houses were damaged or destroyed. Among them 3 houses were burnt to ash.

#Ta’ang Women’s Organization

#WesternMogok #Injured #Killed #HouseDamage #FightingInNorthernShanState